Utilities Sector Dividend Increases – Q1 2019

In the first quarter of 2019, more than half of the utility companies in the S&P 500 have increased their dividends. The average increase was 5.8%.

Company Name Ticker Symbol Quarterly Dividend Q1 2018 Quarterly Dividend Q1 2019 Yr / Yr % increase
Nextarea Energy* NEE* $1.1100 $1.2500 12.6%
Dominion Resources* D $0.8350 $0.9175 $9.9%
Sempra Energy* SRE* $0.8950 $0.9675 8.1%
CMS Energy* CMS* $0.3575 $0.3825 7.0%
WEC Energy Group* ES* $0.5525 $0.5900 6.8%
XEL Energy* XEL* $0.3800 $0.4050 6.6%
Allient Energy LNT* $0.3350 $0.3550 6.0%
Eversource Energy* ES* $0.5050 $0.5350 5.9%
Exelon* EXC* $0.3450 $0.3625 5.1%
AES Corp AES* $0.1300 $0.1365 5.0%
Public Service Enterprise Group* PEG* $0.4500 $0.4700 4.4%
Centerpoint Energy CNP* $0.2775 $0.2875 3.6%
Consolidated Edison ED* $0.7150 $0.7400 3.5%
NiSource* NI* $0.1950 $0.2000 2.6%
PPL Corp* PPL* $0.4100 $0.4125 0.6%


*Held in one or more portfolio(s) managed by Reaves Asset Management as of 12/31/18.

Another seven companies operating in the utilities sector (but not included in the S&P 500 Index) increased their dividends in the first quarter at an average rate of 7.3%.

Company Name Ticker Symbol Quarterly Dividend Q1 2018 Quarterly Dividend Q1 2019 Ys/ Ys % increase
Nextera Enerfy Partners, LP NEP* $0.4050 $0.4650 14.8%
PNM Resources PNM $0.2650 $0.2900 9.4%
ONE Gas OGS $0.4600 $0.5000 8.7%
Fortis FTS* $0.4250 $0.4500 5.9%
Allete ALE $0.5600 $0.5875 4.9%
Avista AVA $0.3725 $0.3875 4.0%
Hawaiian Electric HE $0.3100 $0.3200 3.2%


*Held in one or more portfolio(s) managed by Reaves Asset Management as of 12/31/18.