Rolling Returns

By clicking on the box, below under “Date of Investment”, you will be able to see how the Reaves Long Term Value Strategy (Reaves’ ERISA Composite1) has performed in every distinct five-year time period since its inception in January 1978. You will also be able to compare this data to the returns achieved by the S &P 500 Index.

Rolling returns reflect the cumulative return on a continuously held investment over a number of consecutive periods. This is a powerful tool which will help you better understand how this strategy has performed across many different market and economic environments.

The investment team at Reaves Asset Management is extremely proud of the fact that positive returns have been generated for the Reaves ERISA Composite in 99.8% of the 444 separate five-year periods from January 1978 through November 2019. Please note that the Reaves ERISA Composite ended in December 2019.

We encourage you to choose many different starting dates from the dropdown box below to obtain the annualized return for each distinct time period. To also obtain the growth of $100,000, please use dates after December 1, 1982, the first five-year rolling return period. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

See Endnotes/Disclosures for important disclosures and definitions.

Date of Investment:
5 Years Ended: 31-Dec-82
Reaves Long Term Value Strategy S&P 500 Index
Annualized Return 16.86% 14.12%
Growth of $100,000 n/a n/a

Disclosure: Rolling Returns

This calculator illustrates the performance results of Long Term Value Strategy (Reaves’ ERISA Composite1) versus the S & P 500 Index from a specific date (selected by the user) and held for five years. All values are net of fees and in U.S. dollars. This calculator is for illustrative purposes and is not intended to imply any future performance of the strategy.
Reaves’ ERISA Composite ended December 20, 2019.
An investor cannot invest directly in an index.
Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
All investments involve risk, including loss of principal.

Fees: Net performance reflects the deduction of advisory fees which are described in detail in Reaves’ ADV Part 2A. For a copy of Form ADV Part 2A and its fee schedules, please contact or your financial professional.

Please see the Endnotes/Disclosures page for additional information and definitions.